The Problem

  • Breast cancer is the leading cause of death for women between the ages of 35-54.

  • It is the second cause of death for ALL women.

  • One of eight women will have Invasive Breast Cancer (IBC) in her lifetime.

Early detection is our best line of defense

Large clinical studies have proven that early breast cancer detection increases survival rates to nearly 100% without requiring chemotherapy.

BUT current screening practices fall short

There are two types of breast tissue: dense and fatty. About half of women in the U.S. have one type and half, the other.

Over 70% of breast cancers are diagnosed in women with dense breasts.

Mammography can miss more than 50% of 10mm-or-smaller cancers in women with dense breasts or implants, finding them only after they’ve grown larger, many having metastasized beyond the lymph nodes, when chemotherapy, sometimes bringing its own complications, becomes necessary.

More than 3,000,000 women have implants, with 400,000 receiving new implants every year. Women with implants require double the x-ray exposure of mammography. In addition, those with implants who get breast cancer are 38% more likely to die from it than women without implants who also get breast cancer, because detection has come too late.

  • SonoCiné Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound Screening’s (AWBUS) technology can eliminate most deaths from breast cancer in women, regardless of breast tissue type: fatty, dense or mixed, and in women with implants. This early detection would render hundreds of thousands of annual mastectomies, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments unnecessary.

  • Sonocine AWBUS was specifically designed to find mammographically occult breast cancers as small as 5mm, which is before they become metastatic (Stage 0, 1a or 1b).

  • SonoCiné’s technology has none of mammography’s discomfort and radiation, or MRI’s heavy metal (gadolinium) injection.

  • In 2008, SonoCiné AWBUS received FDA clearance as an adjunct to mammography.

  • SonoCiné has been validated by two peer-reviewed studies published in the journal, European Radiology in 2009 and 2010. The earlier paper concluded that SonoCiné AWBUS finds twice as many cancers as mammography alone, and three times as many small, invasive cancers (10mm or less).

  • SonoCiné is reasonably priced and can be accessed without a referral from a doctor.

  • SonoCiné is covered by two Medicare Reimbursement Codes (11 states have already mandated insurance coverage).

  • SonoCiné produces a cine (movie) composed of at least 3,000-5,000 images (depending on breast size). This movie is reviewed by physicians in a format of 30 frames per second (FPS).

  • The interframe distances are standardized at 0.4mm to optimize recognition of cancers as small as 3-5mm. Since breast cancers typically double in size each year, finding a potential malignancy this small allows the reading physician to use targeted diagnostic handheld ultrasound to watch for growth over time.

  • 4mm cancers appear dark against the white background of dense breast tissue, making the cancer easier to see.

How is SonoCiné different than other types of screenings?



is an x-ray technology, has painful compression, and misses 50% of the small, easily treatable cancers in women with dense breast tissue or implants.


uses no x-rays, has no painful compression, and reliably finds 4-10mm breast cancers in all breast tissue types plus women with implants.

Handheld ultrasound

is a conventional handheld ultrasound, which is limited by human technique, misses many of the small, easily treatable 4-10mm cancers in women with dense breast tissue or implants.


is automated and screens 100% of the breast tissue.


requires a heavy metal injection, and its safety is now being questioned by the FDA. MRI is also an expensive, lengthy procedure, yielding many false positives.


is an inexpensive short procedure, and reliably finds 4-10mm breast cancers.


(Magnetic Breast Imaging) requires a whole-body radioactive isotope injection and is expensive.


requires no toxic injections.


(also called 3D mammography) uses x-rays, requires compression, and finds far fewer 4-10mm breast cancers. When combined with mammography, the radiation dose is greater than a mammogram alone.


reliably finds 4-10mm breast cancers, doesn’t use x-rays and has no painful compression.


(GE & Siemens) fails to adequately screen the entire breast, missing the axilla. It is frequently painful and finds far fewer 4-7mm breast cancers. ABUS is unable to find cancer in women with implants and is not as effective for women with small breasts.


screens 100% of breast tissue, has no painful compression, and reliably finds 4-10mm breast cancers.

  • Direct costs from metastatic breast cancer in the U.S. exceeds $5 billion annually, not including the enormous societal impact and indirect costs of this disease.

  • If radiation is needed, the cost is $30,000 to $50,000.

  • Cryotherapy (freezing cancer) costs about $6,000.

  • Extensive radiation and chemotherapy ranges from $50,000 to $400,000.

  • Mastectomies can reach $50,000.

  • Reconstruction can be up to $150,000.

  • Bone marrow transplants can be up to $800,000.

Automated Whole Breast Ultrasounds can greatly reduce breast cancer diagnosis and treatment costs


Automated Full Breast Ultrasound’s early detection Automated Whole Breast Ultrasound Screening technology can eliminate most deaths from breast cancer in women, regardless of breast tissue type: fatty, dense or mixed, and in women with implants.

This early detection would render hundreds of thousands of annual mastectomies, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments unnecessary.


Take the next step – Schedule your screening today for a one time payment of $450

*Bundle with our Thyroid Screening for $650 (you save$50!)